Existing integrations

With the Street Smart API you can integrate Cyclomedia's data and Street Smart functionality with other applications.

Here you can find a selection of integrations between Street Smart and a variety of GIS and CAD software suites.

Discover the integrations

QGIS | ArcGIS | MicroStation | Smallworld | Autodesk | GeoWeb | NedBrowser | dg DIALOG BGT | INGRADA | FICHTNER

Street Smart for QGIS

Street Smart for QGIS is an integration (plug-in) of Cyclomedia's Cycloramas with QGIS. This plug-in allows you to show measurements and recording locations in QGIS, and display vector layers from QGIS as overlays in Cycloramas. The plug-in is developed by Merkator B.V. and is available under the GPL version 2 license. The underlying Street Smart API is not open source and is not covered by that license. You can find the user manual here.

Note: version 1.4.0 will be supported until 1 February 2025, version 2.0.0 until 1 October 2025.

Download Street Smart for QGIS

Street Smart for ArcGIS (Esri)

Cyclomedia's data can be easily integrated into Esri's ArcGIS platform. An integration is available for ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro (2.X & 3.X) and the Experience Builder.


Our ArcGIS Online integration (widget) version 21.4.1 will be supported until 1 February 2025, version 23.1.0 until 1 February 2026. 

Our ArcGIS Pro integration version (add-in) will be supported until 1 December 2025, version until 1 July 2026.

Our Experience Builder integration (widget) version (24.1.0) will be supported until 1 April 2026.

Read more about Street Smart for ArcGIS

Optimize for MicroStation (Bentley)

With Optimize, you can unlock Cycloramas and oblique aerial photos within the MicroStation platform through a connector tool between CAD and Cyclomedia's Street Smart. With this integration, you can measure distances and areas, and import point, line and plane elements directly into your working drawing. Ideal for inventories. A factsheet is available for more information.

Discover more about the integration with MicroStation (in Dutch)

Street Smart for Smallworld (GE Digital)

GE Digital's Smallworld network-based GIS provides utilities with a single and connected view of their power grid. An integration has been developed between Street Smart and Smallworld by GIS Consult GmbH.

Read more about Street Smart for Smallworld (in German)

Street Smart for Autodesk (AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map & Civil 3D)

Street Smart for Autodesk (AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map & Civil 3D) is an interactive viewer for viewing Cycloramas and provides the ability to measure distances, digitize objects and visualize data layers in the 360° images. The interactive viewer plugin provides access to a digital version of the environment with an extensive set of functionalities for data processing. This integration is developed by our partner GeoAI.

Read more about Street Smart for Autodesk (AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map & Civil 3D)

Street Smart for GeoWeb

GeoWeb is a web viewer that allows you to easily offer large amounts of geographical and administrative data within your organisation.

Discover more about Street Smart for GeoWeb (in Dutch)

NedBrowser (Cadac Group)

With the integration between Street Smart and NedBrowser, you can view all available imagery (Cycloramas, aerial, and oblique) in NedBrowser and also perform measurements.

More information about this integration with NedBrowser (in Dutch)

dg DIALOG BGT (Sweco)

dg DIALOG BGT is a complete application for the collection, construction and management of the topographic base map in the Netherlands.

Discover more about this integration with dg DIALOG BGT (in Dutch)


With the integration between Street Smart and INGRADA, you can easily view Cycloramas in the INGRADA web application. There is a factsheet available for more information (in German).

FICHTNER Digital Grid

Fichtner Digital Grid is an integrated solution portfolio for Distribution & Transmission System Operators mastering the digital transformation in utilities‘ networks by optimizing and automating essential business processes. Street Smart Cyclorama‘s integration for Fichtner Digital Grid has been developed with respects to immersive business critical scenarios around optimized asset management for power, water and gas networks.

Read more about Fichtner Digital Grid: Fichtner Digital Grid

Read more about Customer project using Street Smart (in german)